Upcoming Events​
10th Anniversary Banquet
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Regovich Catering
33150 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio
Your meal is generously provided by Sponsors who believe in the
Harriet Tubman Movement’s vision.
An opportunity to give will be extended.
Doors open at 5:45. Dinner and program begin at 6:15.
Please register here by March 28, 2025.
*Please note that, due to limited space, this is an adults only event. ​
"Paint with a Purpose”
May through October, pick your date and place!
Now taking reservations for 2025!
Gather your friends, 6-20 per group, and schedule a painting
class to help our cause.
For information, call Lori at (440) 856-5147 or
submit the contact form below.